Academic Excellence Fund

- As part of the Academic Plan, the fraternity publicly acknowledges and provides a gift to all members for maintaining a GPA of 3.6 and higher. This program is currently being funded through non-budgeted money coming from the DKE alumni board expendable account, to purchase 15+ $50 gift certificates, which are being and will continue to be distributed at a dedicated chapter meeting each semester and acknowledged publicly.
- In addition to this type of annual recognition, the Alumni Board wishes to create a significant monetary award ($250 – $1,000) for outgoing seniors who have maintained a GPA of 3.5 or higher each semester they attended UNC. This award will be named after a donor(s) of a significant gift for academic initiative during the campaign.
- The Alumni Board would also like to incentivize and support academic excellence and leadership at DKE by awarding annual scholarships of $1,000 to $2,000 each semester to applicable candidates.