
Where in the World Are Delta Kappa Epsilon Alumni?
Have you used our Beta DKE directory lately? Our website has a full directory of our alumni – including the people who made your undergrad years so unforgettable. Take some time to reconnect. Here’s some tips on ways to search

Reminder: Spring Game on April 20
Now that Spring is officially upon us, remember to save the date to join your fellow Beta DKE alumni at UNC’s spring football game on Saturday, April 20. Kickoff this year is at 3PM ET. The Spring game serves as

Save the Date: UNC’s Spring Football Game on April 20, 2024
Every year, alumni of all ages make the journey back to UNC for the annual spring football game to get their tailgate fix, keep an eye on up-and-coming players, and of course, reconnect with their Beta DKE buddies. This

Join Your Fellow Alumni on the Honor Roll
We are halfway through the 2023–2024 giving year! Have you made your contribution? Each year, we recognize our alumni for their generous donations to Beta DKE in our honor roll. We would like to thank those alumni who have

1851 Society Recognizes Two Outstanding Alumni
Beta Chapter was the first fraternity on UNC’s campus (1851), and our highest honor for alumni involvement is the 1851 Society. This year we inducted Scott Smith ’80 and for the first time awarded an alum posthumously— Charles M. Shaffer

Beta DKE’s New Year Resolution
How many of us set New Year’s resolutions goals each year, only to forget about them halfway through January? We know we are guilty of that! But this year our goal is to help DKE UNC alumni stay more connected.