Read the Letter from the Alumni Board President


As the President of the Beta of DKE chapter at UNC Chapel Hill, I wanted to take a moment to provide you with an update on the chapter’s status, and activity at UNC during Covid restrictions.  I am pleased to inform you that the chapter and the brothers have managed to thrive during Covid and the University social restrictions and implementation of remote off-campus learning during fall 2020 and spring 2021.   In fact, the cumulative active house membership average GPA for the fall 2020 was a 3.71, our highest GPA ever for which we celebrated that achievement with a steak dinner at the Angus Barn in Raleigh. That event was subsidized by several alumni and paid for by the DKE Alumni Corporation.  We received a note from the Angus Barn staff after the event, of what a wonderful group of fine young gentlemen are represented by DKE. I am also proud to report, that while 4 other fraternities at UNC were closed by the University during 2020 -2021 (PDT, Phi Gam, Beta, and Kappa Sigma) due to either Covid or other serious infractions, the DKE house proudly remained open!   

Now, we are set to welcome you all back for football tailgates this season (9/18 UVA, 10/2 Duke, 10/9 FSU * DKE Parents Weekend, 10/16 Miami *DKE Alumni Weekend, 11/6 WFU * UNC Homecoming).  The house will be open, food will be served, and the Eddie Caldwell bar will be in full service.   We do ask that you consider making an annual donation to Beta of DKE if you have not done so already this year or in the past.  These annual gifts help us defray the cost of the tailgate food and beverages, of which many of you attend rather than incurring the dining and beverage expense you might incur at other places you socialize while in Chapel Hill.  When you visit the DKE house, please say hello to our long time House and Food Services Manager, Meg Miller, and please consider tipping the entire DKE staff for their extra efforts to accommodate you during football tailgates and your visits at any time.  We all greatly appreciate Meg’s dedication and attention to the well-being of the members and house over the past 27 years!

During the past 3 years, the Alumni Corporation, through your donations to the 4 Corners Campaign, and from accrued assets in the Eddie Caldwell Fund, or memorial class gifts, has made several upgrades and improvements to the house.  These upgrades were necessary for both the short term, and long-term viability/durability of the DKE house.   It remains the premier house and chapter on campus and best location!  To those who donated to the 4 Corners Campaign, and to your memorial class gifts, thank you! To those who still have an outstanding pledge to the 4 Corners Campaign, please consider fulfilling that, so we can officially close the campaign, and put your gifts to use as intended and described in the campaign materials.

Lastly, the DKE rush chairs worked hard during a modified new member recruitment period this fall because of Covid campus restrictions, but they recruited and brought in an excellent pledge class of 21 new members, again representing a wide range of geographic areas from both inside the state and outside the state of NC.  They are exceptional young men, and students.  I am sure you will be proud of them and enjoy meeting them when back on campus.

The DKE members and staff, hope to see in Chapel Hill, and at the DKE house this fall.  You are always welcome!

Best always,

Scott E. Smith
Beta DKE Alumni Board President
UNC DKE Academic Advisor